Team Lead and lead programmer for Rook & Ruin.
I’m a programmer specialising in gameplay programming, although I have a particular interest in shader programming and VFX creation in games and have been working on building my skills in those areas. Whilst working on Rook & Ruin, I have also learnt how to make multiplayer games using Unreal’s blueprints system.
Before my final year, I spent 12 months as a research intern at the University Of Gloucestershire, creating applications for clients across a variety of disciplines including app development, web development and virtual reality using the Unity Engine.
In my spare time I love playing games (especially single-player story based titles such as The Last Of Us), watching movies and playing D&D with my friends.
Favourite Engine: Unreal
Favourite Scripting Methods: C# and Unreal’s Blueprints
Favourite Game: Outer Wilds